What is the point in taking annual leave, when we cannot even go anywhere due to covid-19 restrictions?

Well, if you have thought this … YOU ARE NOT ALONE! It does seem a bit of a waste; however here are 5 reasons why you should take them-

  1. Employee burnout is on the rise. In our current climate “e-presenteeism” is likely to rocket in prevalence. Do not become a statistic. Rest your body and mind so that you can handle your work load.
  2. The saying a break is as good as a holiday is true. A change of routine and activities can help recharge your batteries.
  3. Work-life balance is ever more important, particularly when WFH. Break that mould of your home being your work place.
  4. Invest time in your physical and mental health. We can do this close to home or far away. Often when we are busy at work we can lose track of those key steps to keep physically and mentally strong. Time away from work can help us reset healthy habits.
  5. Connection is a key component to our happiness and although we can get this professionally, taking time away can mean we invest our time and energy into the people we care about on a personal level.


BUT…how on earth do you make good use of this time away from work to feel rested and refreshed?

Below are 5 simple ideas


  1. Visualise those workday mornings when you say to yourself “If only I could have the day off and do………”. Well, DO IT! Allow yourself to do those things like extra sleep, time to make a nice breakfast, time to be relaxed with your family, time to train, time to read etc.
  2. A clean house/living area can mean a clear mind. It`s not always easy to keep on top of things when you are working, so get stuck in. Cleaning when we have time can be therapeutic and satisfying.
  3. Now, as lovely as an all-inclusive, two weeks of laying on a beach might be, you can actually come back feeling a bit foggy headed and lethargic. Make this an opportunity to get lots of fresh air, movement, good food and feel really strong mentally and physically. Set some new small steps that will give longevity to your health.
  4. Take time to connect with people who make you feel good. Although this may not be in person, having the time to speak properly with people gives you a great sense of connection, which emerging evidence shows has a profound effect on our happiness.
  5. “Fake it, until you make it!” and if you can`t get that foreign feeling by getting on a jumbo jet… create it at home. Try researching and cooking local foods from holiday destinations, get your holiday party music on, put a dab on sun cream on (the smell will make you feel like you are away), dig out your holiday photos, etc. And if all else fails, stick a sombrero on and dance around!

                                             Why not “make health contagious” and share this post?


For more information about workplace health workshop’s or 1:1 Nutrition coaching to improve physical & mental health, and drive personal & professional productivity

contact anna@leaphealth.co.uk.

Current workshops include

WFH…WFH Working from Home, Without Forgetting Health

Food for Mood

Exercise Snacking

Rest, Recover, Recharge

Fuel the Ferrari in you for physical performance

Fuel as a Productivity tool

Bespoke solutions include

A customised build workshop for your workplace

Support building internal health champions

Initiatives and events to improve corporate health

Heart rate monitoring and stress testing

Connections to other health experts in the field

Or… other innovative, individualised solutions based on your organisation needs

Linkedin- Anna Reddy Leap Health

Instagram- leaphealth.co.uk

Website- www.leaphealth.co.uk

Email- anna@leaphealth.co.uk